Events used by Peng3d

See also

This document describes the events used by peng3d, see peng3d.peng.Peng.sendEvent() for information about the event system itself.

Note that there is no completely safe way to get a list of all events used by an application, but you should get most events by setting the config value to a valid file name and running the application in question. Make sure to trigger all events, or else they may not appear in the list.

This document is sectioned after the categories of events used.

Note that many applications will add their own events, which should be listed in their documentation.

Peng3d Events using sendEvent()

Events listed here can be sent via the sendEvent() method and be received via addEventListener().

If possible, this system should be used, as it is better and has many improvements over previous systems.

Most of these events use a dictionary containing at least the peng key as their data parameter.

Special events

These events are special and should not be sent manually, they are mostly for backwards-compatibility.


Special event sent by sendPygletEvent() for compatibility.

Additional parameters:

args is a list of the given parameters.

window is the window this event originated from.

src is the object this event was sent via.

event_type is the pyglet event type.

See also

See pyglet:* for another way of accessing pyglet events.


Special event sent by sendPygletEvent() for compatibility.

See peng3d:pyglet for more information on the given parameters.

peng3d:peng.* Events Category

These events are typically sent by the main Peng() instance.

Triggered once when calling run() just before starting the event loop.

Additional parameters are window set to the main window object and evloop set to the argument of the same name.


Triggered once the pyglet event loop exits.

Note that the calling method may cause the program to continue running.

This event has no additional parameters.

peng3d:window.* Events Category

These events are sent to mark changes to an instance of PengWindow().

Note that some of these events are not sent by the window itself and do not require a window to exist.


These events are sent when the main window is created.

The event peng3d:window.create.pre has the additional parameter cls containing the class used to create the window.

The events peng3d:window.create and both have the additional parameter window set to the window object.

Note that the window attribute of Peng() is only available after the handling of peng3d:window.create has finished.

Triggered whenever a menu is added to the window.

Additional parameters are window set to the window object and menu set to the menu object.

Triggered whenever the active menu is changed.

This event is sent after other event handlers have finished processing.

Additional parameters:

window is the current window object.

old is the name of the old menu. This may be None if there was no active menu.

menu is the name of the new menu.


Triggered whenever the mouse exclusivity is changed via toggle_exclusivity().

Additional parameters are window set to the window object and exclusive set to the current exclusivity state.

peng3d:rsrc.* Events Category

These events are sent by the ResourceManager() to signal that either the manager itself was modified or a resource was changed.


These events are sent when the resource manager is first initialized.

The event peng3d:rsrc.init.pre has the additional parameter basepath containing the base path of the new resource manager.

The events peng3d:rsrc.init and both have the additional parameter rsrcMgr set to the newly created resource manager.

Note that the resourceMgr attribute of Peng() is only available after the handling of peng3d:rsrc.init has finished.


Sent when a new resource category is added.

The additional parameter category is set to the name of the new category.


Sent when a texture resource is first loaded.

Additional parameters are name and category set to their corresponding arguments given to loadTex().


Sent when a model resource is first loaded.

Additional parameters are name set to the name of the model.

peng3d:i18n.* Events Category

See also

See TranslationManager() for more information about the translation system.


Sent whenever the default language is set.

Note that this event is sent regardless of whether or not the language actually changed.

Additional parameters are i18n, set to the translation manager, and lang set to the new language.

peng3d:keybind.* Events Category

These events usually mark an event related to a specific key combination.

See also

See KeybindHandler() for more information on the keybind system.


Triggered when a keybind is added to the system.

Additional parameters are all arguments given to add().


Triggered when a keybind is changed.

Additional parameters are all arguments given to changeKeybind().


These events are triggered whenever a key combination is detected.

Note that this event will be sent regardless of whether or not there are any handlers registered for the keybind in question.

peng3d:keybind.combo is always sent, and depending on the release flag, either or peng3d:keybind.combo.release is also sent.

Additional parameters are the same as the arguments given to handle_combo().

Pyglet Events using sendPygletEvent()

Events listed here can be sent via the sendPygletEvent() method and be received via addPygletListener().

There are also several events sent by pyglet itself, see the Pyglet Docs for more information.


Add docs for custom pyglet events.