Source code for peng3d.gui.container

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2016 notna <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

__all__ = ["Container", "ScrollableContainer", "ContainerButtonBackground"]

import collections
from typing import Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    from . import SubMenu
    import peng3d

import pyglet
from import *

from .widgets import Widget, Background, _WatchingList
from .slider import VerticalSlider
from .button import ButtonBackground
from ..layer import Layer
from ..util.types import *
from ..util import default_property

[docs]class ContainerButtonBackground(ButtonBackground): """ Background class used to render the background of containers using a button style. Mostly identical with :py:class:`ButtonBackground` with added compatibility for containers. """ change_on_press = False
[docs] def getColors(self): bg, o, i, s, h = super(ContainerButtonBackground, self).getColors() i = bg return bg, o, i, s, h
getColors.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs]class Container(Widget): """ Main class of the container system. This widget may contain other widgets, limiting the childs to only draw within the defined bounds. Additionally, the given position will also act as a offset, making the child coordinates relative to the parent. The :py:attr:`visible` attribute may be set to control whether or not this container is visible. This Class is a subclass of :py:class:`peng3d.gui.widgets.Widget` but also exhibits part of the API of :py:class:`peng3d.gui.SubMenu`\\ . """ IS_CLICKABLE = True def __init__( self, name: Optional[str], submenu: "SubMenu", window: Any = None, peng: Any = None, *, pos: DynPosition, size: DynSize = None, _skip_draw=False, font=None, font_size=None, font_color=None, borderstyle=None, ): self.borderstyle = ( borderstyle if borderstyle is not None else submenu.borderstyle ) super(Container, self).__init__(name, submenu, window, peng, pos=pos, size=size) self.font = font self.font_size = font_size self.font_color = font_color = submenu self.widgets = collections.OrderedDict() self.widget_order = {} = [242, 241, 240, 255] self.bg_vlist = 4, "v2f", "c4B", ) self.stencil_vlist = 4, "v2f", ("c4B", [0, 0, 0, 0] * 4), ) self.peng.registerEventHandler("on_resize", self.on_resize) if not _skip_draw: self.on_resize(*self.submenu.size) self.batch2d = self.visible = True
[docs] def setBackground(self, bg): """ Sets the background of the Container. Similar to :py:meth:`peng3d.gui.SubMenu.setBackground()`\\ , but only effects the region covered by the Container. """ = bg if isinstance(bg, list) or isinstance(bg, tuple): if len(bg) == 3 and isinstance(bg, list): bg.append(255) self.bg_vlist.colors = bg * 4 elif bg in ["flat", "gradient", "oldshadow", "material"]: = ContainerButtonBackground( self, borderstyle=bg, batch=self.batch2d ) self.redraw()
def on_resize(self, width, height): # Stencil/BG Vlist are updated by redraw() self.redraw() @property def clickable(self): if not isinstance(self.submenu, Container): return ( == and == self.window.activeMenu and self.enabled and self.visible ) else: return self.submenu.clickable and self.enabled and self.visible @clickable.setter def clickable(self, value): self._enabled = value self.redraw() borderstyle = default_property("style")
[docs] def addWidget(self, widget, order_key=0): """ Adds a widget to this container. Note that trying to add the Container to itself will be ignored. """ if ( self is widget ): # Prevents being able to add the container to itself, causing a recursion loop on redraw return self.widgets[] = widget if order_key not in self.widget_order: self.widget_order[order_key] = [] self.widget_order[order_key].append(widget)
[docs] def getWidget(self, name): """ Returns the widget with the given name. """ return self.widgets[name]
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draws the submenu and its background. Note that this leaves the OpenGL state set to 2d drawing and may modify the scissor settings. """ if not self.visible: # Simple visibility check, has to be tested to see if it works properly return if not isinstance(self.submenu, Container): glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) glScissor(*[int(i) for i in self.pos + self.size]) SubMenu.draw(self) if not isinstance(self.submenu, Container): glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)
[docs] def on_redraw(self): """ Redraws the background and any child widgets. """ x, y = self.pos sx, sy = self.size self.bg_vlist.vertices = [x, y, x + sx, y, x + sx, y + sy, x, y + sy] self.stencil_vlist.vertices = [x, y, x + sx, y, x + sx, y + sy, x, y + sy] if isinstance(, Background): if not = True
[docs] def redraw(self): super(Container, self).redraw() # Also schedules redraws for sub-widgets for widget in self.widgets.values(): widget.redraw()
redraw.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs] def on_enter(self, old): """ Dummy method defined for compatibility with :py:class:`peng3d.gui.SubMenu`, simply does nothing. """ pass
[docs] def on_exit(self, new): """ Dummy method defined for compatibility with :py:class:`peng3d.gui.SubMenu`, simply does nothing. """ pass
[docs]class ScrollableContainer(Container): """ Subclass of :py:class:`Container` allowing for scrolling its content. The scrollbar currently is always on the right side and simply consists of a :py:class:`peng3d.gui.slider.VerticalSlider`\\ . ``scrollbar_width`` and ``borderstyle`` will be passed to the scrollbar. ``content_height`` refers to the maximum offset the user can scroll to. The content height may be changed, but manually calling :py:meth:`redraw()` will be necessary. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str], submenu: "SubMenu", window: Any = None, peng: Any = None, *, pos: DynPosition, size: DynSize = None, scrollbar_width=12, font=None, font_size=None, font_color=None, borderstyle=None, content_height=100, ): self.offset_y = 0 self.content_height = content_height super(ScrollableContainer, self).__init__( name, submenu, window, peng, pos=pos, size=size, borderstyle=borderstyle, font=font, font_size=font_size, font_color=font_color, _skip_draw=True, ) self._scrollbar = VerticalSlider( "__scrollbar_%s" % name, self, pos=[0, 0], size=[24, 0], borderstyle=borderstyle, border=[3, 3], n=self.content_height, nmax=self.content_height, ) self._scrollbar._is_scrollbar = True self._scrollbar.addAction("progresschange", self.redraw) self.addWidget(self._scrollbar) self.redraw() self.peng.registerEventHandler("on_mouse_scroll", self.on_mouse_scroll)
[docs] def on_redraw(self): """ Redraws the background and contents, including scrollbar. This method will also check the scrollbar for any movement and will be automatically called on movement of the slider. """ n = self._scrollbar.n self.offset_y = ( -n ) # Causes the content to move in the opposite direction of the slider # Size of scrollbar sx = 24 # Currently constant, TODO: add dynamic sx of scrollbar sy = self.size[1] # Pos of scrollbar x = self.size[0] - sx y = 0 # Currently constant, TODO: add dynamic y-pos of scrollbar # Dynamic pos/size may be added via align/lambda/etc. # Note that the values are written to the _* variant of the attribute to avoid 3 uneccessary redraws self._scrollbar._size = sx, sy self._scrollbar._pos = x, y self._scrollbar._nmax = self.content_height super( ScrollableContainer, self ).on_redraw() # Re-draws everything, including child widgets
def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): if not self.is_hovering: return dx = scroll_x * self.window.cfg["controls.scroll.mult_x"] dy = scroll_y * self.window.cfg["controls.scroll.mult_y"] # TODO: implement x-scrolling self._scrollbar.n += dy
# Hack to allow BasicWidget to do isinstance of Container/ScrollableContainer for offset code from ..gui import widgets widgets.Container = Container widgets.ScrollableContainer = ScrollableContainer