
There are several different ways to install peng3d. The most common ways are listed below.

Using pip

This is by far the simplest way to install peng3d. Simply run the following command:

$ pip install peng3d

You may also wish to add peng3d to your requirements.txt or similar file.

See also

See the documentation of the Requirements File Format for more details regarding dependency specification.

From source

If you wish to install a development version that is not available on PyPI, you can also install peng3d directly from its source code.

First, you’ll have to download the code somewhere. This can be done in any way you like, but here is how it can be done using git:

$ git clone
$ cd peng3d

After having downloaded the source code, you can now install it using the file:

$ python install

If there weren’t any errors, peng3d should now be installed.

Where to go next

After having installed peng3d, you may wish to look at the Quickstart Guide for a simple and fast introduction to peng3d or the Designing a basic 3D Application with peng3d Guide for a more in-depth guide.

There are also some examples available in the examples/ folder on the main repository.