Source code for peng3d.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2017 notna <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

__all__ = [

import sys
import weakref
import threading

    import bidict
except ImportError:
    HAVE_BIDICT = False
    HAVE_BIDICT = True

from .gui import *

[docs]class WatchingList(list): """ Subclass of :py:func:`list` implementing a watched list. A WatchingList will call the given callback with a reference to itself whenever it is modified. Internally, the callback is stored as a weak reference, meaning that the creator should keep a reference around. This class is used in :py:class:`peng3d.gui.widgets.BasicWidget()` to allow for modifying single coordinates of the pos and size properties. """ def __init__(self,l,callback=None): if callback is not None: self.callback = weakref.WeakMethod(callback) else: self.callback = None super(WatchingList,self).__init__(l) def __setitem__(self,*args): super(WatchingList,self).__setitem__(*args) if self.callback is not None: c = self.callback()(self)
[docs]def register_pyglet_handler(peng,func,event,raiseErrors=False): """ Registers the given pyglet-style event handler for the given pyglet event. This function allows pyglet-style event handlers to receive events bridged through the peng3d event system. Internally, this function creates a lambda function that decodes the arguments and then calls the pyglet-style event handler. The ``raiseErrors`` flag is passed through to the peng3d event system and will cause any errors raised by this handler to be ignored. .. seealso:: See :py:meth:`~peng3d.peng.Peng.addEventListener()` for more information. """ peng.addEventListener("pyglet:%s"%event,(lambda data:func(*data["args"])),raiseErrors)
[docs]class ActionDispatcher(object): """ Helper Class to be used to enable action support. Actions are simple callbacks that are specific to the instance they are registered with. To be able to use actions, a class must be a subclass of :py:class:`ActionDispatcher()`\ . Creation of required data structures is handled automatically when the first action is added. Internally, this object uses the ``actions`` attribute to store a map of action names to a list of callbacks. """
[docs] def addAction(self,action,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Adds a callback to the specified action. All other positional and keyword arguments will be stored and passed to the function upon activation. """ if not hasattr(self,"actions"): self.actions = {} if action not in self.actions: self.actions[action] = [] self.actions[action].append((func,args,kwargs))
[docs] def doAction(self,action): """ Helper method that calls all callbacks registered for the given action. """ if not hasattr(self,"actions"): return for f,args,kwargs in self.actions.get(action,[]): f(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]class SmartRegistry(object): """ Smart registry allowing easy management of mappings from int to str and vice versa. Note that bidict is required to be able to use this class. ``data`` may be a dictionary to initialize the registry with. Only dictionaries gotten from the :py:attr:`data` property should be used. ``reuse_ids`` specifies whether or not the automatic ID generator should re-use old, now unused IDs. See :py:meth:`genNewID()` for more information. ``start_id`` is the lowest ID that will be generated by the automatic ID generator. ``max_id`` is the highest ID that will be generated by the automatic ID generator. Should this limit by reached, an :py:exc:`AssertionError` will be raised. ``default_reg`` may be a dictionary mapping IDs to names. It will only be used if ``data`` did not already contain a registry. It is possible to access the registry via the dict-style ``reg[key]`` notation. This will return the name of whatever object was used as the key. Registering is also possible in a similar manner, like ``reg[name]=id``\ . ``id`` may be ``None`` to automatically generate one. This class also supports the ``in`` operator, note that both IDs and names are checked. """ def __init__(self,data=None,reuse_ids=False,start_id=0,max_id=float("inf"),default_reg=None): # TODO: fix max_id being a float by default assert HAVE_BIDICT self._data = data if data is not None else {} self.reuse_ids = reuse_ids # if true, new ids will be assigned from lowest available id # if false, an internal counter is used self.start_id = start_id self.max_id = max_id self.id_lock = threading.Lock() self.registry_lock = threading.Lock() if "reg" not in self._data: default_reg = default_reg if default_reg is not None else {} if not isinstance(default_reg,dict): raise TypeError("Default Registry must be a dictionary") # no reg yet, create a new one # ID->NAME mapping self._data["reg"] = default_reg for k in self._data["reg"].keys(): if not isinstance(k,int): raise TypeError("All keys must be integers") for v in self._data["reg"].values(): if not isinstance(v,str): raise TypeError("All values must be strings") self._data["reg"] = bidict.bidict(self._data["reg"]) if not self.reuse_ids and "next_id" not in self._data: if self._data.get("reg",{}) != {}: # already data there, find highest id +1 self._data["next_id"]=max(max(self._data["reg"].keys())+1,start_id) else: # no data there, use start_id self._data["next_id"]=self.start_id
[docs] def genNewID(self): """ Generates a new ID. If ``reuse_ids`` was false, the new ID will be read from an internal counter which is also automatically increased. This means that the newly generated ID is already reserved. If ``reuse_ids`` was true, this method starts counting up from ``start_id`` until it finds an ID that is not currently known. Note that the ID is not reserved, this means that calling this method simultaneously from multiple threads may cause the same ID to be returned twice. Additionally, if the ID is greater or equal to ``max_id``\ , an :py:exc:`AssertionError` is raised. """ if self.reuse_ids: i = self.start_id while True: if i not in self._data["reg"]: assert i<=self.max_id return i # no need to change any variables i+=1 else: with self.id_lock: # new id creation in lock, to avoid issues with multiple threads i = self._data["next_id"] assert i<=self.max_id self._data["next_id"]+=1 return i
[docs] def register(self,name,force_id=None): """ Registers a name to the registry. ``name`` is the name of the object and must be a string. ``force_id`` can be optionally set to override the automatic ID generation and force a specific ID. Note that using ``force_id`` is discouraged, since it may cause problems when ``reuse_ids`` is false. """ with self.registry_lock: if force_id is None: new_id = self.genNewID() else: new_id = force_id self._data["reg"][new_id]=name return new_id
[docs] def normalizeID(self,in_id): """ Takes in an object and normalizes it to its ID/integer representation. Currently, only integers and strings may be passed in, else a :py:exc:`TypeError` will be thrown. """ if isinstance(in_id,int): assert in_id in self._data["reg"] return in_id elif isinstance(in_id,str): assert in_id in self._data["reg"].inv return self._data["reg"].inv[in_id] else: raise TypeError("Only int and str can be converted to IDs")
[docs] def normalizeName(self,in_name): """ Takes in an object and normalizes it to its name/string. Currently, only integers and strings may be passed in, else a :py:exc:`TypeError` will be thrown. """ if isinstance(in_name,str): assert in_name in self._data["reg"].inv return in_name elif isinstance(in_name,int): assert in_name in self._data["reg"] return self._data["reg"][in_name] else: raise TypeError("Only int and str can be converted to names")
@property def data(self): """ Read-only property to access the internal data. This is a dictionary containing all information necessary to re-create the registry via the ``data`` argument. The returned object is fully JSON/YAML/MessagePack serializable, as it only contains basic python data types. """ d = self._data d["reg"]=dict(d["reg"]) return d def __getitem__(self,key): # to access registry as reg[obj] -> name return self.normalizeName(key) def __setitem(self,key,value): # None may be used as value for auto generation # to access registry as reg[name]=id self.register(key,value) def __contains__(self,value): return value in self._data["reg"] or value in self._data["reg"].inv