- World, Terrain and Actor management


World containing terrain, actors, cameras and views.

See the docs about Camera(), WorldView(), Actor() for more information about each class.

This class does not draw anything, see StaticWorld() for drawing simple terrain.


Adds the given actor to the internal registry.

Note that this actors uuid attribute must be unique, else it will override any actors previously registered with its UUID.


Add the camera to the internal registry.

Each camera name must be unique, or else only the most recent version will be used. This behavior should not be relied on because some objects may cache objects.

Additionally, only instances of Camera() may be used, everything else raises a TypeError.


Adds the supplied WorldView() object to the internal registry.

The same restrictions as for cameras apply, e.g. no duplicate names.

Additionally, only instances of WorldView() may be used, everything else raises a TypeError.


Returns the view with name name.

Raises a ValueError if the view does not exist.


Renders the world in 3d-mode.

If you want to render custom terrain, you may override this method. Be careful that you still call the original method or else actors may not be rendered.

class, quads, colors)[source]

Subclass of StaticWorld(), allows for semi-static terrain to be rendered.

This class is not suitable for highly complex or user-modifiable terrain.

quads is a list of 3d vertices, e.g. a single quad may be [-1,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1,1, -1,-1,1], which represents a rectangle of size 2x2 centered around 0,0. It should also be noted that all quads have to be in a single list.

colors is a list of RGB Colors in a similar format to quads but with colors instead. Note that there must be a color for every vertex in the vertex list. Every color is an integer between 0 and 255 using the internal pyglet scheme c3B/static.

You can modify the terrain via the terrain attribute, note that it is a pyglet vertex list, and not a python list.


Renders the world.

class, name, cam)[source]

Object representing a view on the world.

A WorldView() object references a camera and has a name.

cam is a valid camera name known to the world object supplied.


Property for getting the currently active camera.

Always equals self.cameras[self.activeCamera].


Fake event handler called by Layer.on_menu_enter() when the containing menu is entered.


Fake event handler, same as on_menu_enter() but for exiting menus instead.


Property for accessing the current position of the active camera.

The value of this property will always be a list of length 3.

This property can also be written to.


Property for accessing the current rotation of the active camera.

This property can also be written to.


Sets the active camera.

This method also calls the Camera.on_activate() event handler if the camera is not already active.

class, name, cam)[source]

Subclass of WorldView() that is rotatable using the user.

Moving the mouse cursor left or right will rotate the attached camera horizontally and moving the mouse cursor up or down will rotate the camera vertically.

By default, each pixel traveled changes the angle in degrees by 0.15, though this can be changed via the controls.mouse.sensitivity config value.

on_key_press(symbol, modifiers)[source]

Keyboard event handler handling only the escape key.

If an escape key press is detected, mouse exclusivity is toggled via PengWindow.toggle_exclusivity().


Fake event handler, same as WorldView.on_menu_enter() but forces mouse exclusivity.


Fake event handler, same as WorldView.on_menu_exit() but force-disables mouse exclusivity.

on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers)[source]

Handler used to still enable mouse movement while a button is pressed.

on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy)[source]

Handles mouse motion and rotates the attached camera accordingly.

For more information about how to customize mouse movement, see the class documentation here WorldViewMouseRotatable().